sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011


Si venira si rezultatele....Dezamagitor!Cel putin la romana...cum indraznesc aia sa zica ca io merit 8.40?Nu zic ca is de 10 dar totusi....tocmai de asta am decis sa depun contestatie.Da' ce cred ei?!Ca pot sa-si bata joc de noi cum au ei chef?Ei lasa ca vad ei.In fine nu asta conteaza....sau cel putin nu asa mult.Recent am incercat sa ma apuc de scris poezii...nu stiu ce parere aveti voi despre acest gen de exprimare insa sa va arat ce am reusit pana acum:The Fire that Ends Love

One day a boy met a girl.

She was everything he ever wanted.
She was everything he ever hoped for.
She was everything he thought wasn't possible.
She was everything he thought he would never find.

They fell in love, a different kind of crazy love. Like nothing he had ever felt in his life. They talked of spending their lives together... until the day they died. They talked of children, they talked of happiness.

She was his first love.
She was good to him.
She was sweet to him. 
She cared for him.
She made him happier than anyone else ever could.

The boy felt the same way. But apparently he wasn't good enough at showing it to her.

She wanted to take a break.

The boy didn't but what choice did he have. Things went ok for a while. But being apart fueled the boy's depression... It was like throwing gasoline onto a fire. He couldn't take it and kept telling the girl how he felt.

She said it was ok because he was just sad.
She eventually had enough and ended everything.
She ended everything for good.
She was going to do what made her happy.
She was done thinking and caring about what other people wanted.

The boy couldn't handle the feeling that someone had cut him open and lit his heart on fire and left it to burn.
So in the end the boy did the same. He cut himself open… poured gas into his chest… and lit a match… and burned until there was nothing left.

Si...The cry of the Nihilist

I stand alone now
‘cause all my friends are gone
I am forever alone now
Nobody shall disturb me again
Now I fell an unknown pain
Of long forgotten times
My heart is bleeding again
But this time is hard.
I start to cry
Because the pain is to strong, it conquers me all
But what is that sound that I hear?
It’s like a mist
It’s the cry of the Nihilist
A lonely creature
Which decided
To find a shelter in my soul
And when I’ll fell alone
It’ll come and take me home
But not the kind of home you think about
Oh, no
Mine is much more than that
It is a faraway land
Buried in the corpses of the dead
That my dears
Is my HELL!
And now I can hear it again
It reaches out to get my soul
But it won’t do it, oh no!
I’d rather die than go again
In that time forgotten  wasteland
And so I try to grab the sword
And fight my way back to my throne.
But the force inside me can’t resist
The power of the Nihilist
Taken again I shall be
Thrown away in my misery
Forgotten by my love
Hated by my ones
Rejected by my God
He took me to the place
Where fire eats your face
Where feelings are numb
And death is all around
Please save me from this pit
Or I shall die of it
Reaching for the dagger
To cut away my anger
The blood  is flowing slow
And my end is so
Close that I can
Fell it in
My hand.

Sincer nu stiu ce sa zic....ati putea sa imi ziceti in commenturi care va place? de ce ?Ma rog...acuma nu ca m-as apuca de poezie...asta e mai mult pt. momentele alea in care n-ai cu cine sa mai vorbesti si te refugiezi in ce poti mai bine.Anyway...sper ca la voi examenele o fost mai blande...Succes in continuare la intrarea la liceu!


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