sâmbătă, 28 ianuarie 2012

We are the champions..or are we?

Dimineata...ora 7:20.Alarma suna.WTF?! A da, uitasem...Olimpiada la engleza.
Dupa cum poate stiti azi a fost faza locala(cred ca ase se numeste) la olimpiada de engleza.Si ca de obicei in loc sa fie in timpul saptamanii ei s-o gandit s-o puna intr-o sambata.De la 9.Si sa le zica la elevi sa fie prezenti la 8 jumate.Doar ca sa primim un subiect care ar fi necesitat 1 ora de lucru!Puteam sa mai dorm...sa mai stau in preaiubitul meu pat.Sa recuperez acele ore de nesomn din timpul saptamanii.Dar nu!A tebuit sa ma inscriu la olimpiada si sa ma duc...acuma macar o fost usor.Faza urmatoare va fi insa ceva mai interesanta.
Si totusi, care e rostul in toata chestia asta?Sa se descopere cateva minti luminate care sa le umileasca pe cele ''obisnuite''?Sa se creeze intre noi concurenta?Mda...probabil ca de spirit de competitie si concurenta nu mai putem nici noi.Dar chestia si mai naspa ii ca nationalele se tin in timpul ''Saptamanii altfel''
O data in viata are si ministrul o idee buna.Saptamana altfel.Singura saptamana in care scoala capata un cu totul alt sens.Este acea perioada in care poti face chestii pe care in mod normal nu ti le-ai permite la scoala.In saptamana aia te duci cu drag la ore si astepti cu nerabdare sa vezi ce-ti rezerva ziua.Si tot ei, se decid sa puna exact in perioada aia olimpiadele nationale, numa asa, ca sa strice cheful celor care invata.Te pun sa alegi...si probabil ca mai toti am alege olimpiada.
In fine...numa' mai rau sa nu fie.Dar in tot raul si un bine.Pe 14 februarie, membrii Crucii Rosii Salaj o sa faca o campanie de free hugs pe platou de la ora 14!Abia astept sa fac chestia asta:D
Without you

What if one day,
You’ll come to me and say:
‘I’m leaving you!’?
Then, what will I do
Without you?

I think I would die
I couldn’t survive
A life without you.
When I’ll met the gods
I’ll ask them to give me a place
In their kingdom.
But they’ll say
I cannot stay
For my soul had turned to ash
In the day my heart was a mess.

When I first saw you
Your deep black eyes
Pierced right through
My icy heart and armor.
Your long black hair
Made my mind go dizzy
And suddenly I was crazy.
That was the moment when
Your smile took my heart
And my life was in your hands.

But without a soul
I’ll be just a shadow
Drifting in a dream
Searching for the stream
That will take me away
To oblivion,
To make me immortal
To help me float in the void
Of the purgatory
Sitting silent, withdrew
While I’m thinking of you…

 Un arab cu o mitraliera si ceva grenade era alergat de un tanc israelian.
Arabul se opreste o clipa, trage cu o mitraliera in tanc, tancul nu pateste nimic, arabul alearga, tancul dupa el.
Se mai opreste o data arabul, trage cartusele din mitraliera, tancul nimic, arabul arunca mitraliera, continua sa alerge, tancul dupa el.
Se mai opreste arabul, arunca o grenada , tancul nu are nimic, arabul alearga, tancul dupa el … Arabul arunca ultima grenada , tancul dupa el.
Arabul nu mai are munitie, se lasa in genunchi si asteapta.
Tancul opreste linga arab, se deschide turela si evreul intreaba:
- Auzi, arabule, cumperi niste munitie?


miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2012

I'm back!

Si, am revenit!Excursia a fost week-endu' trecut insa doar acuma am gasit timp sa povestesc despre ea.Ciudat nu?In fine...Pot sa va spun ca a fost super.Desi ma temeam ca sa-r putea sa fie cam ciudat cu atat lume s-a dovedit ca sutn de fapt foarte prost in ceea ce presupun prezicerile si ca m-am inselat.De fapt a fost chiar mai fain daca am fost mai multi:D.Zapada a fost, sanie am gasit, partia n-a fost foarte agomerata ca sa ai norocul de a dobori pe ceva copil nefericit si ratacit in lumea lui de vise pasind incet pe partie in timp ce tu te indrepti spre el cu vreo 10km/h gandindu-te: Doamne intinde-ti mana si ia-l de acolo ca altfel il rup de nu se vede!
Mda...mancarea o fost cam,cum sa ma exprim, extraterestra?! Nu stiu daca pe acolo asa se mananca dar, oricum ar fi tot cred ca un caine putea gati ceav mai bun.Camerele au fost bune, calduroase si decente.Ba chiar am avut un tv de'ala micut de 30/30 de cm cum era demult, cand noi nici nu eram constienti ca purtam scutec.
Dar toate adunate si impartite dau ca rezultat faptul ca a fost prea scurt.As fi vrut inca o saptamana.Sau macar 1-2 zile.Lasa ca la primavara/vara stam mai mult.
Oricum trebuia sa venim inapoi ca sa facem powerpointu' la romana, despre Eminescu, bata-l sa-l bata.2 zile cu cate 2-3 ore de munca si am reusit sa-l fac destul de decent.Numa sa merite un 10 si imediat il sterg, sa stiu ca am scapat si de greul ala.
In rest, cam plictisitor.Azi am reusit s-o enervam pe rpofa de info ca nu am invatat deloc...nimeni...Deci a fost cam rau.Si tot azi profa de romana si-a lasat ochelarii in catalog si cand la- pus la  loc acolo au ramas.Culmea ca am avut mate si profu nu i-a vazut si doar la dirigentie am descoperit minunea.Bineinteles toti am fost pe jos de ras.Pana si doamna diriginta.
Si ca sa incheiem:

Most of us may think that God
Made the world in 6 days and then stopped
But what we weren’t told until today
Was that after the 7th day
God had a plan.

With his might and magic powers
He made another world just like ours
And there, he soon began
To create what now we call

First was anger
Then was hate.
Shy was next
Courage up ahead.
Greed was fifth
Then hope
After that sadness,
And the last
Smallest, yet not least
He made

In peace they lived
In their world of imagination
Just them as friends
With no frustration.
Harmony ruled across the land
But soon, the war began.

They wanted more
They wanted to be free
And live among the men,
To rule them as it was said
Long  before the invention of time
Long before God, you and I.

But not all of them were bad,
Not all wanted to fight.
Yet they still had
To protect the world
From those that were
Evil and mean
Bad and deceived
And wanted more
Than war…
Among them hate grew stronger
He became the one that conquered
The prize that was foretold,
Humanity’s souls.

Soon the heart of the man
Was filled with hate.
It was chaos
It was madness
God felt only sadness.

But, in every dark time
There is a light
That shines.
Brighter and brighter
It gives hope and makes us stronger.
It blooms and reaches
The evil pit’s edges
It crawls slowly and surely
To engulf fury.

That light was Love.
The only one left untouched
Forever pure and strong
Together with hope
Forever bound.

They fought against all odds
Hope was lost
But not was love…

Struggling, he managed
To get close to a heart
And released all it’s magic…
The war ended
Earth was safe
Equality now ruled
God was pleased
Hate didn’t die
But it was sure
That it’ll be a long time
Until it’s next move.

Yet Love survived
In my heart
It found me
And taught me how to care
How to spare
My life for you
To make my dreams come true
To say that:
I love you!

And that my friends,
It’s true…
 si ca sa va si distrati putin:Vine sotul acasa obosit de la lucru, si cand sa se puna pe pat gaseste sub pat o lada. O deschide si gaseste 3 cartofi si 40 de milioane. O striga pe sotie si o intreaba:
- Thu nevasta ce-s cu cartofii astia??
- Pai stii de fiecare data cand te-am inselat am pus cate un cartof in valiza.
- E pai nu e rau. Dar ce-s cu banii astia??
- Pai de fiecare data cand strangeam un kilogram, ii vindeam!
 Mda...vine iarna si zapada va cadea!


duminică, 15 ianuarie 2012

Before I go...

Love and Hate
Once met
In a cold winter day.
They saw each other
Love looked at Hate with care
And Hate looked at Love's beautiful hair.
He didn't want to see such thing
But she slowly began to love him.
The moon was rising
She was agonizing
Asked him to lend her his coat
That now his hate had soaked.
At first he hesitated
But then he meditated,
He started to fell strange
Like his hate was no longer at it's place.
And before he knew it
He just couldn't admit
That he did it.
He gave her his coat,
And he started to choke.
Love and Hate met
And they were like a duet
Him, feeling strange and cold
Her, starting to lose control.
They walked along a snowy path
And started to chat.
She felt lonely and needed love
He was strange and numb.
But then, as they were talking
She was holding his hand
And he was feeling sad.
His hate was disappearing,
His love was reappearing
Her love was fading away
And she was feeling gray.
Once, in a day
Love and Hate
Were walking together
Holding hands
Admiring the lands.
He was so changed
She was starting to decay
His love was growing
Her hate was showing
But then they stopped
From the walk
Hate looked her in the eyes
Those beautiful dark eyes
And they weren't showing love
Like they should've
Love as starring in his eyes
Waiting for her demise
There were changed
And so they behaved.
He started to care for her
She wanted him for ever.
Love and Hate
Hate and Love
Now, and forever
Once like never
Sealed their lips
In a soft kiss.

Once, in a night
A couple could be in sight
They were meant for each other
Like Hell and Heaven.


Do  you ever wonder how it feels
To fall in love
To fall in pain
To be someone else’s cocaine?
Just holding on
Thoughts that never seem done
Waiting in despair
A sign of care
What does she mean for you
What makes you want to breakthrough
What is he for her
Is he the definition of a lover?

Time can pass
But you never forget
Just asking why
Keep holding tight
Never let go
Don’t even think so
Just keep in mind
That you’re divine
There is someone for you
And all you have to do
Is show what you feel
And you’ll begin to heal.

When you’re alone
And without control
And then your mind
Is lighted by
A memory from the past
By something that can never
Be forget.

Just wait and see
That you will be
Until the stars will remain
Until the night ends
Until the last breath…

Asa..ca nu stiu cand o sa mai am timp sa ma ocup de blog.Asa ca macar sa aveti material de citit.

Tomorrow, it begins!

Nuuuu!De ce? de ce? Deja s-o terminat 3 saptamani de vacanta?Dar mai aveam atatea de facut.Acuma o venit si zapada, deci putem merge cu sania, acuma incepeam si eu sa apreciez timpul meu liber.De ce o trebuit sa se termine deja?
Hmm....acuma asta e, n-ai ce-i face.Macar ne-am distrat cat a fost.Acuma urmeaza, sper, o perioada de cel putin o saptamana in care trebuie sa ne organizam din nou programul de somn.Vaii...si asta-i semestrul 2.Ioii, unifroma!Nu, numai asta nu!Vacanta de ce te duci si ne lasi asa?
Sa speram ca s-o ales un model fain.Astazi o fost ziua lui Mihai Eminescu, stiati?Lasa ca nici io n-am stiut, atata ca am ascultat la radio.Mda...daca ar fi trait acum ar fi avuuuuttt....162 de ani!No, nici nu-i mult.Abia astept sa vad ce colegi noi o sa ne vina.Si sa vad ce expresii o sa aiba profesorii cand o sa vada ca m-am tuns.Si excursia din 26-28 ianuarie.Vai cate si mai cate.Plus ca maine ii prima mea zi in echipa de radio a scolii, deci pot sa fac pe DJ-ul.Sper sa gasesc muzica buna...
My remedy

Don’t go away from me
You’re my only remedy
My cure that keeps me alive
In this sick, painful and distortioned life.
I keep telling me
Don’t worry you’ll be free
You’ll away
And then you’ll fade…
Just like those dreams
That we don’t believe
When we wake up
And face again, reality

Oh Agony, let go of me
I want to see
Life without misery
Just a minute with me
And then I’ll be….
Forever free

The walls get closer
And I need her
Just give me morphine
And say goodbye
I’ll walk my way
And stay the same
There is nothing to see
In this world for me
My heart is empty
My soul is craving
For the taste of that sweetness
That lies in the deepness
Of our perfect lives
That are filled with lies.

Oh agony, what are you doing to me?
I can’t bear no more
The pain the torture
I want to go
Just let me be
In this bottomless sea

Now I say goodbye
But please don’t cry
Remember me
Like I used to be…

To war
Up on the edge of darkness
The oath of Odin roars
And into the depths of the fearless
You can see a very brave soul.

Up ahead is the castle
Where the beautiful maiden is
And the one that wins the battle
Will soon be her king.

Brave warriors fasten their shields
And sharpen their swords
The plates of the armor are ready
Our horses do not fear this war.

The moon is our guidance
The stars are lighting the road
You think this is a nightmare
But it’s much worse.

The devils of Hell are sleeping
The angels of Heaven stay calm;
Nothing can stop us
Into the battle we go.

The air is filled with terror
The ground is soaked with blood
It’s our time soldiers
May the gods have mercy on our lifes!
 Telefonul poate ucide...
Ţrrrrrrr! Trrrrrr! (telefonul)
Fetita ridica receptorul:
- Alo?
- Buna, scumpo; sunt eu, tati. Mami e cumva in apropierea telefonului?
- Nu, tati, mami e la etaj, in dormitor, cu unchiul Paul.
Dupa o scurta pauza, tati zice:
- Dar, scumpa mea, tu nu ai niciun unchi Paul!
- Oh, ba da, am, si el e la etaj, in camera cu mami, chiar in acest moment.
O alta scurta pauza.
- Uf, bine atunci, vreau ca tu sa faci ceva pentru mine: lasa receptorul pe masa, alerga la etaj si bate la usa dormitorului si striga la mami: "Masina lui tati tocmai a intrat în parcare!"
- Bine, tati, doar un minut.
Cateva minute mai tirziu, fetita vine inapoi la telefon.
- Am facut ce mi-ai spus, tati.
- Si ce sa intâmplat, scumpa mea?
- Ei bine, mami s-a speriat rau, a sarit din pat fara nicio haina pe ea, a inceput sa alerge in stanga si in dreapta tipand, apoi s-a impiedicat de covor, s-a lovit cu capul de masa de toaleta si acum zace nemiscata!
- O, Doamne! Si ce poti sa-mi spui despre unchiul tau, Paul?
- Si el a sarit din pat, fara haine pe el si el s-a speriat rau si a sarit pe fereastra din spate direct in piscina. Dar cred ca nu stia ca saptamana trecuta ati scos apa, ca sa o curatati. S-a lovit de fundul piscinei si cred ca a murit.
O lunga pauza.
O pauza si mai lunga.
O foarte lunga pauza, apoi tati spune:
- Piscina zici? Ăăăăăă.... Aveti numarul 486-5731?
- Nu, cred ca ati gresit numarul.
Ei, acuma urmeaza greul.Da doamne sa putem trece si peste asta!
