joi, 28 iulie 2011

Be right back

Maine mergem in vacanta asa ca nu cred ca o sa mai scriu ceva pana peste o saptamana.Dar pana atunci uite ceva care sa va ocupe timpul:
It could all start with the classic
,,Once upon a time…’’
But this story is not classic at all
Oh no! This is way more than the old stories your mother used to tell you at bedtime
Our story starts,however, with a classic situation
The love of one for another
But a love that has never left the soul of the lover
It’s the story about a boy and a girl
Two different souls
Yet one found in the other something rather magic
A thing that can’t be explained by science or others
It was a spark
That with the right fuel
Could have made a great fire
Cause this spark was growing in the boy’s heart for quite a while
But he never found the courage to let it free
And start the damn fire
But one day he decided to ask for help
The person he decided to ask was rather a master in all of the things
But it seemed that he misunderstood the boy’s wish
You see, our boy asked for help from God
Yes! As strange as it may sound
One day he prayed to the divine powers of the all mighty God
He said something like this:
,,Dear God,
Give me the power to find a way
To show her what I fell
But…before you do that
Please give me a sign
So that I know if she feels the same for me’’
Short, but quite profound
That day the boy decided to go to her house and ask her out
And so he began his 5km journey(or maybe a little bit shorter)
He finally reached his goal
When he tried to knock at the door
He heard someone crying
It was the girl’s mother
But that wasn’t the problem
The real shock was when he realized why she was crying
She was dead
The girl he always loved was lying cold on the floor
Apparently she committed suicide
She took a strong dose of cyanide
The reason was unknown
But the boy didn’t searched for one
The fact that she was dead was enough to strike him where it hurts the most
In his heart
Since that day he hated God
,,It’s your fault!’’he always said
,,Why did you took her?Why?’’
He just couldn’t bear the thought that she was no longer with him
So he decided that if God won’t take him to her
Then he’ll go there
And so he went to the graveyard
Slowly walked to her tomb
And there he began to dig up for the coffin
It took him several hours to reach the metal case that was covering her freshly dead body
Her skin was still intact
Her hair still as beautiful as he remembered
And her lips….Oh those lips
He always dreamed to kiss those lips
And now….there was no way to do that
But still he slowly approached
Softly reached to her
And sealed his life with a kiss
Ahh! So intense was that gesture
As like she was still breathing
But soon he started to fell dizzy
His eyes started to close
His body wasn’t listening to him anymore
He could feel the cold shivers flowing down his spine
Ahh! Her lips
So soft yet so deadly
The cyanide was still on them
And through that kiss he was now feeling what she felt when she died
The light of his eyes was slowly starting to fade away
He could see
The light
His time was near
He couldn’t wait to see her again
To tell her
To love her
To kiss her
One more time….  
Sper sa va distrati pana ma intorc si sa aveti parte de o vara placuta de asemenea.Ne vedem peste o saptamana!


joi, 21 iulie 2011

Just a little bit more

Deci ieri am hotarat sa ma duc intr-un final sa ma inscriu la liceu.Am ales sa ma duc la stiinte ale naturii, in mare parte pt ca as vrea sa ma duc la medicina si de acolo spre ceva job cu multi bani pt. ca nu vreau la filologie iar la mate info nu mai am chef sa invat.Anyway....acolo am fost intampinat de doua doamne sintre care una bruneta care parea destul de sociabila si care a vorbit cel mai mult pe durata intalnirii.Cealalta doamna( o blonda sau ceva de genu...) se tot uita la mine si la tricou' meu (era unu destul de ciudat) si parca atunci cand se uita la tricou i se bloca creieru.Era ceva gen: o.O...btw. mi-o ajuns tricourile: they're f*****g awesome!\m/
Si in timpul asta cat am absentat de la blog am reusit sa ma hotarasc cu ai mei unde vom merge in vacanta asta.Pt. vara asta am decis sa mergem pe litoralul marii negre (cel romanesc ca sa mai stimulam economia).Si anume pe undeva pe la corbu sau la navodari.Acolo,credeti-ma,desi nu ati auzit de locurile astea ii mai curat ca si la mamaia sau altundeva.Plus ca poti merge cu cortu'(pt cine e interesat).Asa ca astea fiind stabilite plecarea a fost stabilita pt data de umm...cred ca 1 august sau ceva de genu'.
De asemenea am reusit sa imi gasesc o pereche de casti ca lumea pt. ipodul meu, ca deja alea a lui erau pe jumatate rupte de atata folosire...saracu'.Trebe sa il umplu de muzica saptamana asta ca presimnt ca o sa am nevoie pe drum.Sa aveti vacanta placuta in continuare (sau concediu) sau ce vreti voi numa sa fie cum trebe.


duminică, 10 iulie 2011

Still alive....

Ok ...deci vreau sa incep prin a-mi cere scuze ca am absentat  relativ mult saptamana asta, dar am avut ceva de discutat cu unu' din Tg.Mures.Era vorba sa facem un schimb intre iphone-ul lui si ipodul meu...dar pana la urma totul s-a dovedit a fi o farsa sau cum zic romanii:,,TZEAPA!''
Sper sa nu mai am de-a face cu el sau altii de tipul lui.Dar totul a trecut si s-a incheiat cu bine.Pana la urma am ramas cu ce aveam si am ajuns la concluzia ca asa e cel mai bine.Intre timp am incercat sa vad daca nu au aparut rezultatele privind repartizarea pe licee la judetul ghiciti ce: nu au aparut!Dar din cate am inteles ar trebui sa apara pe 12 seara pe net, si in 13 la scoli.Sper sa aiba dreptate.Dar si mai mult sper sa intru acolo unde mi-am propus.Pana atunci am decis sa mai imi imbogatesc garderoba cu ceva tricouri de pe aici.Nu e pt. oricine...dar din fericire au exact ce imi trebuie.
Aaa da...era sa uit.Am mai reusit sa fac ceva scrieri ,,marete'':

Oh my angel,my love
Your love completes me, fills me with joy
It makes me
Want to fight
So that I can see
You through the snow
But it seems that the cold in your soul
Can’t be removed with my hugs and love from my soul
Oh,but maybe tomorrow your heart
Will let my heart join her
And my hand
And yours
Shall be together
And then the sun will rise up on the sky
And your soul will be healed again.
Nu-i chiar asa de lunga sau de impresionanta dar hei: am compus-o fugitiv, pe masina.Anyway sper ca va distrati in vacanta si ca aveti planuite multe excursii pt. ca eu sigur am.Distractie palcuta !


marți, 5 iulie 2011


In noaptea asta am avut parte de o intalnire neobisnuita.Sa va explic: stateam linictit in curtea din spate si admiram cerul instelat cadn deodata aud cum cainele incepe sa tot latre la ceva din iarba...i-am zis sa inceteze de vreo 10 ori pana cand m-am dus sa vad ce era.Ia ghiciti!Un arici mic si gras statea ghemuit in iarba mea!Uite-l pe micul nazdravan:

Trebuie sa recunosc ca am ramas surprins sa vad asa ceva la mine in curte.L fel a fost si sora-mea care o tot vrut sa puna mana pe el dar se pare ca ariciul si-a dat seama si s-a strans imediat:

Per total o fost ceva interesant si destul de unic.Sper sa mai vina si alti de'astia pe la mine.
