joi, 29 decembrie 2011


Inca vreo 2 zile si trecem in oul an cunoscut sub numele de 2012.Un nou inceput pentru toata lumea.Poate acuma vei face acea plimbare mult dorita, sau poate acum vei decide sa iti schimbi cursul in viata, sau sa iti faci o schimbare radicala in ceea ce priveste aspectul fizic.Sau poate doar o sa ignori toate astea si o sa iti continui viata ca si pana acuma, ca doar daca ai ajuns pana aici inseamna ca o fost bine.Acuma ii perioada aia dintre sarbatori cand toata lumea are ceva de facut dar n-are chef.Dupa un Craciun fain sa te duci tu la lucru pentru vreo 3 zile ca apoi sa petreci in week-end ca nebunu', ca doar ii anu' nou la toata lumea.Parca nu suna asa de bine.Dar cand te gandesti ca dupa aia nu mai vine sarbatoare serioasa pana la Pasti incepi sa jelesti zilele de libertatea pe care le-ai avut si iti doresrti sa mai ai parte macar o data de ele.Insa stim cu totii ca asta n-o sa se intample.
Pana una alta, ne descurcam in viata cum putem.Daca ne plictisim facem ceva sa treaca.

Asta am facut dupa ce am decis ca nu pot sa mai indur monotonia care umplea casa in seara a 2-a a Craciunului.Dupa aia am decis sa fac si asta:
For you
I used to live
In a world full of fear
That always told me what to do
Watching every single step I do.
Poisoning my thoughts
Ruining my dreams
And my self esteem.
They always told me what I couldn’t do
And never told me that I was able to
Experience such wonderful feelings
Think of so many things
And that I am so much more
Than others see.

But then one day
You walked by
And said ,,Hi!’’.
That was all I needed
To feel that I am not defeated
You woke me from my sleep
That had been too deep.

You opened my eyes
And I was able to see
The mysteries  that were around me.
You showed me the way
Out of the cage.
Through the dangerous path
That we had to get pass.

And now I stay silent an stare
At the moon, that is like a fairytale
You seem sad
Is it true?
Why ?wait, I know it’s true
I know I didn’t know how to behave
I know that I should’ve been more brave.
I’m sorry for all those days and nights
When you sat lonely and cried
I don’t want to upset you
You were there for me
When I needed you
So please
Be now my guide through
Your soul
And show the way
To make you stay
I’ll search for your happiness
Even if I reach madness
Just promise me that
You’ll never cry again, no matter what.

Apoi asta:
Me and you
The shadows of the night surround my soul
The death is waiting at my door
An angel slowly glides at my window
And the devil is waiting for the judgment to end.
The nature roars, the skies are soaked with blood
Heaven is corrupted by my sins
Hell is rising at my will
No one dares to approach my throne
For I am now, feared by all.
Humanity bows at my feet
 There is no one left to beat
My journey is almost complete
But I have someone left to meet
With the power of thunder
And help from the gods
I demand to the lord of death
To come and face my wrath
I demand you to leave her alone
Or else, I shall occupy your throne.
The earth is stricken
My shout has been heard
I can see him rising
But soon I will make him go down.
The sword of life
The shield of pain
The cape of courage
The boots of wisdom
And the helmet of war
Are my armor of all.
With might and magic
With hate and despair
With love and endurance
I will save you from the deaths.
When he walks, the ground shakes
But when I walk, the gods pray
With a strike
That is filled with honor
And brave as a mortal’s soul
I’ll kill him, I’ll beat him
And then
When the dust settles
When the sky is bright
When the battle is over
And the pain is gone
I’ll walk through the valley of the dead
I’ll search you even in hell if I must
But I won’t  stop at nothing
And I’ll keep on shouting
My love for you
Until it’ll be just
Me an you.

Si dupa toate astea am decis sa fac asta:

Nu va faceti griji, nu cred ca eram in totalitatea facultatilor mintale in acel moment.Sau eram..?
In fine, am zis sa merg sa mai tund din varfuri si pana la urma dupa o discutie prelungita cu constiinta mea si cu parintii am decis sa INCERC si varianta cu par scurt.Da doamne sa creasca ma repede!
In definitiv, anul nou se apropie si avand in vedere ca unii au zis ca s-ar putea sa fie ultimul an pe care il sarbatorim am astept si sa vad.Daca ii sa schimb ceva o sa-l schimb la momentul potrivit si nu la inceput cand habar n-am daca o sa folosesc acel ''ceva''.
Ei, vacanta placuta, Happy new year si toate cele..
Cand sotul a ajuns la hotel ,a decis sa-i scrie un mail sotiei dar a gresit o litera din adresa si mailul a fost trimis la alta adresa.
Mailul ajunge din greseala la o vaduva ce venise tocmai de la inmormantarea sotului. Citeste mailul si lesina.

In mesaj scria:

" Draga mea , am ajuns bine. Probabil te va surprinde sa primesti vesti de la mine pe aceasta cale , dar acum au calculator aici si poti trimite mesaje persoanelor dragi. Doar ce-am ajuns si am verificat ca totul sa fie pregatit pentru venirea ta , vinerea viitoare. Abia astept sa te vad si sper ca aceasta calatorie sa fie la fel de liniistita ca a mea. Nu-ti lua multe haine ca aici e o caldura infernala.''


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