sâmbătă, 3 decembrie 2011


Se apropie incet, incet si sfarsitul semestrului.Pana acum stam bine cu scoala, desi s-ar putea si mai bine.Tezele is pe terminate, testele care se mai dau is numa asa, ca sa ne mai schingiuiasca mediile.In rest putem spune ca iarna se apropie si vine zapada!Si odata cu asta Mosu'....mda,  mosu'.
In fine....Saptamana asta am reusit sa scapam de scoala vreo 2 zile in plus, si am fost binecuvantati cu vacanta asta de 1 decembrie.Nu ca ne-ar fi dat-o pt altceva decat sa invatam pt teze sau teste, dar macar nu ne-am mai stresat cu alte ore.In sfarsit am reusit sa dorm mai mult de 8 dimineata, si sa ma culc dupa 12:)).Dar dupa atata fericire, vine duminica cand trebuie sa invat pt teza de la romana si testu' de la logica.Yuppy!...de parca numa de asta as avea chef.Macar am noroc!La romana o sa fie teza gen ''chill'n'relax'.Dar la logica cred ca ne da ceva serios, de fapt is sigur de asta.Mdaaa...si marti test la geogra, miercuri la info:(.Parca intentionat ne-o dat vacanta, ca sa ne poate da vreo 5 teste intr-o saptamana.O sa trecem si peste astea, cumva.
Profa de romana ne-o solicitat material pt revista scolii.Povesti, poezii, shit'n'stuff.Si se pare ca vrea neaparat sa particip si eu cu ceva.Cred ca o sa-i dau aia,,Fericire''.Sau poate....

Sitting silent and waiting the end
Of a lifetime of struggle and hate
The clock ticks for the last time
And your heart is aching with pain
But then you wake
Look outside and remember

How we met
Once upon in September…

How we smiled at each other
And how we didn’t bothered
That others were looking at us
That feeling was like no other
Remember how we said
It’s going to last for ever
And that is

How we met
Once upon in September…

How we walked among the stars
Of our dreams that were so bizarre
We used to stay forever
Just so we could be together
We used to talk for ever

How we met
Once upon in September…

And now that you remember
Don’t stay there and surrender
Let’s walk again
Let’s fight this war
It’s going to be better
If we just stay together like we did
When we met
Once upon in September…
What are you running from,
The shadows of the dawn?
Those mysterious beings
That can’t be seen.
They haunt us at night
Afraid of the light,
We can’t watch them crawling
But when they’re right
Behind our back, you can hear a soft voice
Crying over and over: ,,I exist’’

We fear them the most
We run from them like hell,
They’re not of this Earth
They’re under a spell.
A different kind of magic,
That curses them all
To walk forever the lands
They walked before they were dead.

And under the moonlight
That is as dim as a candle light
We stand and wait for the end
Knowing that it’s our it’s our last stand.
They strike fast
Until the last.
But don’t be afraid
If I can’t stay
I’ll the angels from hell
To protect you from them.
I’ll tie my heart in chains
So that they won’t take it away.
I’ll  give my soul to you
To keep you safe too.

So that when they come for you
You won’t be alone
You’ll have my heart and my soul
To keep them away, to make them go.
And I know you’re safer that way
‘Cause wherever you’ll be
My heart and my soul
Will watch over you
To make sure you’re okay.
Mdaaa....probabil raman la povestea aia cu Dio.In fond si la urma urmei cred ca ii trebuie ceva in romana asa ca...Trebuie numa' sa-i trimit pe mail varianta cu diacritice.Brrr! Ma ingrozeste cat o sa am de corectat.Si o sa arate asa de ciudat la final.De ce trebuie sa avem diacritice in romana?
Stiti ce am incercat recent?Omegle.com.Jur ca am ras cu lacrim!Ii un site unde vorbesti cu straini din toata lumea, asa, anonim.Am zis ca daca doamne feri nimeresc ceva pedofil:)).Dar am fost surprins sa gasesc un turc si un sarb carora le place aceeasi muzica ca si mie\m/.Ce-i drept mai erau si cativa ciudati.Dar, nu am stat mai mult de 10 min.Si probabil ca nu o sa mai repet experienta prea curand...
In fine...
La conferinta internationala a mafiotilor. Dupa sedinta il capo di tutti capi in chema pe Ivan, seful mafiei rusesti, la el.
- Auzi Ivane, tu ai vila din asta cu 2 etaje cum am eu?
- Nu, raspunde Ivan.
- Dar Mertzane ca ale mele, ai?
- Nu.
- Dar lant din asta gros cat 2 degete, de aur, ai?
- Nu.
- Mai, pai ce mafiot esti tu? La congresul urmator sa nu te aud ca nu ai ce ti-am zis azi, clar?
Merge Ivan acasa si il striga pe servitorul lui, Aliosa.
- Aliosa!!! Da jos ultimele 3 etaje de la casa, vinde elicopterele si cumpara Mertzane, iar cainele du-l in casa ca lantul lui trebuie sa-l port eu." =)))
Asa ca sa mai radem, ca-i sanatos.


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