sâmbătă, 25 februarie 2012

It's over

Si dupa multe straduinte si chinuri repetate, s-a terminat.Cercul vicios al sambetelor pierdute va fi incheiat si viata va deveni mult mai simpla.Azi a fost concursul interliceal "Top fiz".Ce-i drept s-o tinut de catre judetul nostru, deci nu am mers nicaieri in excursie si nu am avut un week-end asa de placut ca si ceilalti participanti.Dar, daca o facut ceva bine atunci organizarea ii acel ceva.Am primit ciocolata si suc fiecare participant.Cand ne-am asezat in banca, era distribuit pt fiecare elev cate o ciocolata si o sticla cu suc.Asa primiri sa tot fie si concursuri de'astea cat mai multe.
Profa de romana o decis ca si asa is plictisit destul, de ce sa nu-mi dea ea ceva de facut.Si acuma, am fost insarcinat sa scot la imprimanta o carte cu ''Invataturile lui Neagoe Basarab''....adica 200+pagini!!!
Se suc vreo 3 tusuri negre pe prostia asta.Ca sa nu mai zic de bani si timp.Si de parca nu era destul, am aflat ca la istorie avem de facut un proiect( de data asta toata clasa) despre acelasi subiect.De ce?....singura intrebare care poate exprima tot ce  as vrea sa exprim...
Love was here

Love was here
Isn’t it clear?
Can’t you see
All the pain and misery?
All the shredded pieces of a broken heart
Laying on the floor of a lonely soul
That cries
That suffers
That wants more…
Where are those days of joy
When the girl loved the boy?
Where’s that magic spark
That leaved a mark
With it’s burning flame
All those nights
Of golden sights
When the moon was a silent guardian
Watching over the narnian
And his only love.
Stars shinning in her eyes
Happiness, the only thing in their minds.
A soft touch
A gentle kiss
What a bliss…
And now
Forsaken is the one
That loved more than he could bear
Chained in the dark corners of himself
Wishing he could die right now
To end the horror
To ease the pain
To forget…
But out of a sudden
A light from the one he once lost
Smiles once more at his petrified face.
Like a dove
Gliding down on the wings of love
An angel comes to heal his wounds
A well known face
Full of grace
A lost hope saved his soul.

The waiting is over
They met again
Their lips reunited
Their hearts beating together
He embraces her
Stronger and stronger
Swearing he’ll never let go
And she tells him
Not to fear anymore
Because nothing can come between them
And then thy kiss

When you’re alone
And have nowhere to go
Life looks so dark and strange
Feelings inside you fight for a higher state
When all you know and loved
Perishes in front of your eyes
And you think that you can’t go that way one more time
That’s the moment when you do what’s right
That’s when you realize that only love can build us
A bridge of light.
From me to you
From there to here
That’s when you wipe away the tears
Just take my hand
Let’s run away
No one can make us stay
Let’s see this world in a whole new different way
Me, looking through your eyes
You, chasing away my fears.
Just take a breath and close your eyes
Dream a land with you and I
And when you wake up in the night
I’ll be by your side
To give you shelter in my arms
To scare away those evil thoughts
To keep you alive
To help you win the fight
As we walk on this love bridge
Of light.

Mdaa....Joi am fost la o sceneta de comedie.Piesa a fost genial interpretata, personajele impecabile si am ajuns sa rad pana ce m-o durut maxilaru'.Dar, cand am plecat din sala, am realizat ca pe langa starea de amuzament pe care mi-o indusera, actorii au reusit sa mai strecoare si altceva.Asta:


Primu' lucru pe care cred ca l-o facut 85% din lumea care o fost acolo, cand o ajuns acasa o fost sa caute pe youtube melodia asta.Asta inseamna sa ai o melodie de background care sa prinda la public.
In rest....vine primavara, se duce zapada si timpul trece...
 Un nebun scapa de la sanatoriu. Noapte. Se pune pe urmarit o femeie. Femeia simte ca e urmarita, nebunul dupa ea. Tipa grabeste pasul, nebunul dupa ea, fuge disperata, fuge ca si cum ar fi urmarita de apocalipsa, fuge de parca toata viata ei ar fi fugit, fuge fara sa vada nimic, fara sa gandeasca, fara sa simta, dar fuge disperat si lacrimile ii curg siroaie si ii cad pantofii si i se rup hainele.
Nebunul fuge dupa ea si o prinde.
O propteste de un perete, se uita atent si cu o privire criminala la ea, se uita in ochii femeii care erau mai mult morti decat vii. Femeia era asa de speriata incat aproape ca nu mai respira. El o intreaba:
- Esti vie?
Cu o ultima licarire de speranta si cu glasul deznadajduit ea ii raspunde:
- Da.
La care nebunul:
- Si atunci de ce nu faci struguri?...saraca fata..pardon "vie"


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