luni, 26 septembrie 2011

Giving a try...

Who am I?
I am a phoenix in the sky
You are the one that makes me cry
I am the source of all creation
You are the source of my damnation
I am the Sun above
You are my love
I am the north, south, west,and east
You are my light in the mist
I am lonely by the sea
You are always here with me
I am ragging to kill like a hound
You are telling me to calm down
I am a star in the galaxy
You are the Big-Bang that made me
I am a butterfly in the sky
You are the flower that keeps me alive
I am guitar that is neat
You are the singer that plays it
I am the Moon on the night's sky
You are the Sun standing by my side
I am the lover
You are my love
I am the peace
You are the dove
I am always asking ,,why?''
You are never going to say goodbye
But still I am wondering
Who am I?
Inspirat fiind de modelul de poezie americana inbitulat ,,I am poetry'' in care scrii ce crezi tu ca esti si poezia ,,Replici'' de M.Eminescu am reusit sa incropesc aceasta scriere.Nu-i nu stiu ce dar am incercat.Chestia cu poezia de tip,,I am...'' este chiar interesanta.Desi suna cam egoista veti vedea ca de fapt este un fel de oglida a sufletului.Just give it a try!
In naspa.Vin testele initiale, chestiile serioase si temele.Acuma incepe scoala cu adevarat.Insa in toata invalmaseala asta trebuie sa mai gasim timp pt. a ne elibera creierul.Ca altfel crapam!


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