marți, 7 august 2012

A bit late...

Mda, am venit deja de o saptamana din concediu si abia acuma mi-am miscat curu' sa fac o postare noua. Ce sa-i faci? Lenea, timpul putin, si faptul ca week-endu o fost plin m-o cam tinut imobilizat.Dar nu disperati, promit ca de acuma incolo o sa lupt mai mult cu factorii astia perturbatori.
Asa ca sa incep, concediul asta o fost destul de interesant.Ca un scurt rezumat, pot spune ca am avut parte de vreme relativ interesanta, avand in vedere ca la inceput o fost vreme buna, apoi vreme cu valuri (dar nu am putut gusta din plin partea asta pt ca salvamarii vroiau sa arate ca nu-s pusi acolo de florile marului), apoi iar o fost vreme calma, cu apa asa de buna ca ziceai ca esti la piscina si cineva iti incalzeste apa la temperatura ideala. Am facut o mica incursiune in firul amintirilor si am fost cu hidrobicileta la Mamaia(de data asta am vazut si eu cat ii de greu sa pedalezi si sa carmesti chestia aia). Am fost si prin alte locuri pe litoral, trecand pe partea cu statiunile Eforie, Neptun, Saturn etc. Si trebe sa recunosc ca pana acum am fost orbiti de luxul din Mamaia si am uitat ca plaja continua si mai departe. Asa ca la anul am decis sa mergem acolo in concediu.In plus, acolo am gasit un lac cu lebede care iti mananca din palma.
Nu am ajuns bine acasa ca am si inceput sa intram din nou in ritmul vietii de zi cu zi.Prima chestie pe lista a fost sa ducem masina la reparat, deoarece era cat p'aci sa ne faca figura si sa ratam concediul.Cum? intrebati...simplu.Pe cand facusem vreo 80 de km din drum si eram aproape de cluj, o cedat ceva la motor.Am oprit intr-o benzinarie abandonata si am avut noroc ca peste drum era un atelier auto.O facut nenea ala ce o putut, dar dupa cateva telefoane am aflat de la cunostiinte din Cluj ca s-ar putea rezolva totul acolo.Asa ca am pornit agale spre marele oras, si dupa o zi de intarziere am fost din nou pe drum.O fost oarecum faina oprirea asta neasteptata. Am vazut un film (ice age 4), am fost pe la mall, am vizitat niste prieteni de familie/rude...per total o fost bine cum o fost.
Ei si dupa putin timp, iata ca vine un nou moment de bucurie (pt mine cel putin). Pt ca in week-endu asta am crescut mare! Acuma, daca ma duc in Olanda pot face cam acolo orice inseamna chiar orice.Numa de-as gasi un TIR in care sa  ma ascund si sa trec granita ilegal...Am profitat de intrebare :"Ce vrei de ziua ta?"  pusa de ai mei si cu putin noroc, saptamana asta ma duc sa imi aleg noul laptop:D.Alta chestie relativ obositoare o fost sa raspund tuturor urarilor de pe Facebook.Nu ma-ntelegeti gresit, ma bucur ca le pasa...dar oricine o sa fie de acord cu mine ca cel putin 30 de min iti ia pana sa termini chestia asta.Oricum, mersi tuturor  inca odata.

De data asta o sa va asaltez putin cu niste chestii, dar trebe sa recuperez cumva.

In despair

When the night is dark and deep
And no longer can you sleep
Because the only thing that comes into your mind
Is her, her smile and all the time
You’ve spent together.

It’s killing you to know
Distance can be such an enemy
You try to be as cold as possibly
But the absence of empathy
Leaves no love for the
One you love the most.

Desperate, you reach for everything you can catch
Your mind will know no rest
Sometimes you’ll even hear
The dirt whispering:
“My dear, my love, I love you!”

And there you’ll stay
Reluctant and pale
Waiting for a sign
That’s going to make you fine
You wait to see, you hope it’ll be
A small glimpse of her love.

You won’t cry, but you’ll feel sadder than ever
You won’t suffer, but you’ll feel  abandoned
You won’t be happy, but you’ll be grateful
You may wish for her to feel the same
But shortly you’ll regret it.

Do, despair, anger, care
Will, power, strength, love
Words flowing through your mind
Will you survive?
At least now
You can’t deny
How much you love each other.

A new start
The stars won’t shine, in this cold dreaded night
The wind won’t tell me if you miss me like I do
The river is silent and doesn’t bring news
And my entire heart is starting to feel blue.

Like fallen rubies my blood-like tears will fall
With the light of all my love for you making them shine
This broken heart has lost its rhythm
And it will never dance as it used to.

Now my life is like a broken pencil
Pointless and not worthy of use
Therefore I demand a punishment so great
That will be so unbearable
So I won’t survive it and be gone.

My rose of love, that spread joy in my heart
Your petals fall,  your scent is fading slowly
You wilt, broken by time
The moon is yet still shinning, waiting for a new start.

Why end, when the urge to give it another chance is so great
Let’s forget, all the time when we couldn’t see
Each other, your eyes, my love
When we couldn’t sleep and dream in our bed of wishes.

Because there’s nothing left for me to enjoy
Since I’ve felt such a bless with you
I’m feeling so destroyed when you’re not around
And every new day is just another round.

Now I know the power of words
And how distance can break a strong soul
I don’t want to go on
Without you, without love.

Speak to me, like we always speak at night
Make time slay all my pain
Wait me, for I’m on my way
To you, to our long lost heaven
On earth.

  Si inca una, ca sa avem de samanta cum se zice
That great time

That time of year
When birds learn to fly
And people go to the seaside
That time of year
When the poet’s hand
Can paint a beautiful sunset
With words sometimes hard to find
That time of year
When love blooms
When you don’t even have to try
To feel love’s arrows falling from the sky
You feel nauseous and a bit dizzy
Blame it all on the flaming sun
But little do you know
You’re choking with the fragrances of thousands of kisses
Sent by lovers from everywhere
To their loved ones.
Again the air is warm
And the meadows are sparkling with a green shine
Like emeralds facing a bright light
All this so you can learn
What love is, because now it’s your turn
Because no one will teach you the secrets of this mystical riddle
Only summer with its boring rays.
Your first kiss, with an orange sunset behind
A warm breeze to calm both a bit
A ladybug, flying in circles next to you
And then, before you know it
Falling stars cover the skies
Making your every wish come true

That great time
For which we all cry
That time
Everyone desires
And it’s probably worth more
That words can describe
It’s summertime!

Asa.In saptamana asta am fost sa imi iau origamiurile de la inspectorat, pt ca probabil deja se plictisisera de ele aia, si deja stateau de mult timo acolo.Lasa sa mai adune praf si de la mine din casa, ca prea se depune tot pe dulapuri si masa.Week-endu asta am facut ceva ce nu as fi crezut foarte posibil din partea mea.Am fost cu inca 3 prieteni (Cosmin si Gabi ) cu bicicletele, pana la monumentul de la Guruslau. Si nu pe drum cum ar face oricine.O, nu...noi am luat-o pe campuri si pasuni, ne-am perdut de vreo 2 ori de o trebuit sa folosim gps-ul de la telefon, am trecut o vale seaca dar in final am ajuns acolo si dupa un urcus in bataia soarelui am fost rasplatiti cu o coborare lina, si racoroasa.

 Intr-un spital un barbat se duce la laborator pentru a-si face o analiza de urina. Sora medicala ramane surprinsa cand vede ca barbatul a venit cu o galeata intreaga de urina. Se uita la el si-i spune:
- Domnule Isaac, nu am nevoie de atata urina... E prea multa. O sticluta imi ajunge.
Dar barbatul insista si pana la urma i se accepta toata galeata. A doua zi, este sunat de la spital acasa si este informat ca in urma analizelor, toata urina depusa a iesit perfecta.
Barbatul pune mana pe telefon si-si suna prietenii, stransi intr-un bar si zice:
- Abraham, te-am sunat ca sa le comunici celorlalti ca am iesit cu totii foarte bine la analize...

Mda..o sa revin cu alte chestii noi cat mai des.

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